Tuesday, May 28, 2013

She Believed She Could So She Did

Whenever I'm bored nothing makes me happier
 then dressing up a bit and taking
Weird I know, it's not like I want to be an instagram model or anything odd like that
I just simply find it entertaining to explore new areas and take silly pics. 
This time I sucked my sweet roommate into tagging along to 
have a little photo shoot in our local duck pond.

This whole endeavor consisted of the following:

-A million and two bugs
-Overly curious elderly women who only want to hangout with their dogs wherever we are
-Near death experiences due to my lack of tree climbing skills
-Amateur photography via Iphone
-Random dancing (ultimate favorite past time)
 maybe one day I will overcome that..... hmmm lets be honest that will never happen.

Anyways I had a blast during our quick little photo sesh
Thanks again Vic, you're the best :)

My hair is getting so light! I barely recognize myself anymore haha

Baby feet!!

Cheers to being weird, because the most important person in my life taught me that being normal would be boring and I could't agree more :)

Let me address this cute canvas real quick.
This was given to me as a gift from the most amazing women in the world... my Mom!
One day we were talking and I started to discuss my life.... I went into talking about how all my dreams and desires always seemed out of reach, how I imagined this life for myself yet I'm still stuck in the same town I grew up in with a passport stamp-less, still at the same community college unsure of what career path to take, and at the time a blog with no posts. I began to tell her how I just didn't feel like I was good enough to reach my millions of goals I wanted to accomplish, I wasn't far enough in school to become the successful women dreamed of becoming, no one would take me seriously if I did what I feel like I'm most passionate about, an all in all it just wouldn't happen. Talk about negative nancy!! Anyways, as I was saying all of this it suddenly dawned on me in that very moment that there was only one person to blame for these feelings of uncertainty. ME. I was completely at fault, I'm the only one person holding me back from anything I want to accomplish. 
So, I decided that I would finally live the "blog worthy life" that I've always wanted.
This is where my journey begins! Thanks mom for always encouraging me to be whoever I want to be, to never change myself for others, to stand for what I believe in, and ultimately NEVER give up when things get rough. 

 photo 5ae1a26a-4677-452b-a7b0-def6ce42420b.jpg

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