Wednesday, May 29, 2013


What is beautiful?
Tall, skinny, tan, long hair, and so on.
I feel like everyone has their own connotation of what they believe is truly beautiful.
So, what is beautiful to me......

To me music is beautiful, more specifically the Mormon Tabernacle or an awesome cover of songs.... if it's well done I get chills. Guaranteed.
To me marriage is beautiful, nothing makes me happier then hearing of an engagement or someones sweet grandparents blissfully celebrating their 60th anniversary.
To me children are beautiful, you cannot deny the precious sound of a babies laugh or how sweet it is when an older sibling tried to help a younger sibling. Melts my heart.
To me service is beautiful, especially the look on someones face when you help them so selflessly without expecting anything in return.
To me confidence is beautiful, my mom use to always tell me I needed to "own it" and apply that to everything I do. Confidence is something most of us need to work on and the best way to do that is to help other build theirs! So don't tear people down, that just proves you lack true confidence.
To me nature is beautiful, you cannot deny that God has truly placed us in such a beautiful world. I'm sure you're thinking... um no she's crazy the world is filled with so much negativity and yes you're right there, but when you give yourself a chance to truly be still and take in all that nature has to offer you can really appreciate how beautiful nature really is; the stars, the ocean, the mountains, the animals, the flowers, there is so much to love!

I think it's so important to stray away from what the social norms of what beautiful might be and see what truly means the most to us.
What's honestly the most beautiful to me is seeing how God truly loves everyone of us no matter what color, shape, or size we may be. No matter how damaged out past may be he always loves us as a son or daughter..... now that is truly beautiful.

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

She Believed She Could So She Did

Whenever I'm bored nothing makes me happier
 then dressing up a bit and taking
Weird I know, it's not like I want to be an instagram model or anything odd like that
I just simply find it entertaining to explore new areas and take silly pics. 
This time I sucked my sweet roommate into tagging along to 
have a little photo shoot in our local duck pond.

This whole endeavor consisted of the following:

-A million and two bugs
-Overly curious elderly women who only want to hangout with their dogs wherever we are
-Near death experiences due to my lack of tree climbing skills
-Amateur photography via Iphone
-Random dancing (ultimate favorite past time)
 maybe one day I will overcome that..... hmmm lets be honest that will never happen.

Anyways I had a blast during our quick little photo sesh
Thanks again Vic, you're the best :)

My hair is getting so light! I barely recognize myself anymore haha

Baby feet!!

Cheers to being weird, because the most important person in my life taught me that being normal would be boring and I could't agree more :)

Let me address this cute canvas real quick.
This was given to me as a gift from the most amazing women in the world... my Mom!
One day we were talking and I started to discuss my life.... I went into talking about how all my dreams and desires always seemed out of reach, how I imagined this life for myself yet I'm still stuck in the same town I grew up in with a passport stamp-less, still at the same community college unsure of what career path to take, and at the time a blog with no posts. I began to tell her how I just didn't feel like I was good enough to reach my millions of goals I wanted to accomplish, I wasn't far enough in school to become the successful women dreamed of becoming, no one would take me seriously if I did what I feel like I'm most passionate about, an all in all it just wouldn't happen. Talk about negative nancy!! Anyways, as I was saying all of this it suddenly dawned on me in that very moment that there was only one person to blame for these feelings of uncertainty. ME. I was completely at fault, I'm the only one person holding me back from anything I want to accomplish. 
So, I decided that I would finally live the "blog worthy life" that I've always wanted.
This is where my journey begins! Thanks mom for always encouraging me to be whoever I want to be, to never change myself for others, to stand for what I believe in, and ultimately NEVER give up when things get rough. 

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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Summer Sun

So happy all of my friends are back in town!
This summer we plan on basically living at the beach
Here is a few pics from our recent extravaganza

We made sure we got a head start on that tanning game this year...
We're just a couple of brown babes.

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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Better Late Then Never

Took a nice little roadie to see one of my best friends at ASU recently,
this post is a tad late so don't judge!
Olivia was definitely the mastermind behind us somehow pulling off this trip and surprising Celina.
It couldn't have gone any better.
We had been planning this trip for over a month and eventually we packed up as much unnecessary crap as we could and headed off on our 6 hour drive to see our best friend. Filled with tons of loud singing, gossip, and snacks of course.
When we got there one of her roommates just happened to be home to let us in and Celina had been napping so we quietly woke her up...... NOT!! 
Let me tell you she was definitely surprised and stayed surprised for a good hour or two it was so awesome.

So here is a little glimpse from our weekend in Tempe, Arizona.

all out of order sorry :(

My little Zonie

Last time together for a few weeks

They do this a lot.... so cute!

Seriously so much fun! I cannot wait to go back again. I love all the hot weather and the rad people not to mention the great little places to eat around there. 
Definitely go to Tempe/Scottsdale if you ever have a chance!

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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Gimme Gimme!

My Newest Obsession:

I want them all :)

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