Thursday, July 25, 2013


This Doooood is insanely talented and handsome I must add :)

I figured I would share his newest song with all of you....
called Stay
It's pretty amazing so cha cha check it outttttt

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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

You're Afraid of What?

2 of 30

 2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.

1. Bees. I'm telling you these little buggers are after me. They contantly show up in my dreams or shall I say nightmares, They always follow me around. I've only been stung once In my life thank goodness since my mom is super allergic and I'm just guessing I am too. The first time I got stung was when I sat on a bee....... yeah no I definitely didn't get stung on my butt you freaks. I happened to be playing hid and go seek with all of the neighborhood gang and when I hid behind a car I bent down to sit on my shins and BOOM I suddenly felt a nice little sting in my shin. Didn't hurt that bad at all, but I ran inside and made a huge scene of course so that everyone would carter to my needs... I was somewhat of a princess back in the day. Ever since then I literally get a minor panic attack when I see them. The most recent episode was when I was stuck at the longest red light of my life and I heard the race car buzzzz sound that they (as in a million bees) make. Yesss just how I wanted to end my day with a nice freaking swarm of bees I try and roll up my window, but suddenly they don't want to work. Just my luck right? so I sit there I cant breathe and tears are streaming down my face. My windows finally roll up and I start to turn into my neighborhood and park my car. I sat there for a while trying to catch my breath and then get the courage to walk to my apartment, but as I get out two start following me.... well chasing me so I run my little buns off to the door and tried to unlock the door as quick as possible through my involuntary hand tremor. Finally I made it inside alive and unharmed by those man eating bugs.

2. Sea Life. Whenever you go to the beach with me it is literally like pulling teeth to get me in the water and you will typically hear me say, "no I hate the sea life" I'm not sure why I say that because I don't hate it at all I actually love it, well from a far when they can't touch me. I just can't handle the idea of being stung by a jelly or a sting ray. I'm sorry I don't want someone to pee on me in public or ever for that matter and there aren't any lifeguards where I go to the beach so who is going to save my life if a sting ray tries to stab me? yeah no one. I can't say I know the root of this fear, the ocean is just so mysterious to me ya never know whats lurking around especially in my area where the water ins't as clear as most. Lately I've been going in the water a lot more then normal since I haven't heard of anyone getting stung this season, but the second I do is the second I bust out the maui babe for the rest of summer.

Yeah I can't say I'm as brave as Dory

3. Losing My Hubby. Well the idea of losing my husband, because I'm only 20 and not close to marriage yet. This fear comes from someone I know who tragically lost her husband about a year and a half after they got married. You know you found the right person when you can call them your best friend, when you can't imagine your life without them, when you can't wait to have children because they're little versions of the both of you!!! I cannot fathom the feeling of having that taken away too early. How do you mange to go on living without your other half? You envision this whole fantasy life with someone and then suddenly it is all taken away in a blink of an eye. It makes you want to appreciate ever last second with the person you love. 

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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

20 Randoms

1 of 30

20 Random Facts About me

1. I'm technically a legal midget aka little person. I put technically, because I don't look like a typical midget I just happen to fall under the height requirement.

2. I absolutely cannot sing, but it is by far the one thing I wish I could do. I used to sit and practice singing all different types of songs in hopes of getting better, but no hope for me. I can stay on tune, but I'm no Celine Dion.

3. I do fall under the category of people addicted to their phones. Mine started because I got my license later then most kids (I was 18) and I felt that because I didn't have a car I at least had a phone to get in contact with people if I needed help or needed a ride somewhere... idk maybe I was crazy, but now even with a car I still have a slight anxiety attack if I don't have my phone.
Must check insty, vine, fb, blog, and a few others. yikessss I need help

4. I don't drink soda...... Just not my thing. I might have a sip or someone elses drink but I would never choose to drink it myself. It sucks though because I used to love root beer and now any time I attempt to drink it I get insane hiccups that refuse to go away so now I just stay clear of all carbonation to avoid killer hiccups.  

5. I continually try to train my brain to think I'm ambidextrous, I'm right hand/leg dominant and I would love to be both sooooo bad! I try daily to do a few things with my left hand like brush my hair (not to hard),open a water bottle (tough), put gas in my car (sometimes impossible) so it's been a work in progress, but I found a study stating people who are ambi. have higher IQ levels so I guess it doesn't hurt to try!

6. This is a good transition from the last... I love finding new studies or research on the most random stuff possible. I find it beyond thrilling to learn the latest break throughs when it comes to science and health..... yeah I'm a closet nerd I know.

7. I'm an advice giving connoisseur, some say I should be getting paid for it so I've definitely considered making it a career option. I somehow manage to meet people and instantly get on a level to where they feel comfortable enough to tell me their live story and I love it! Nothing makes me happier then giving someone advice when they are in need :)

8. Um cheese, literally could life off of cheese. Yet i'm lactose intolerant I still can't live without it.

9. Music is literally one of the only thing that can make me feel better when I'm upset, sad, angry, bummed, frustrated, about to go a little nutzzz. Doesn't matter what where or why music can instantly change my mood. There is nothing better then a good tune. I feel like I constantly have to be listening to music, there is just something about it that just makes me feel at peace. I love love loveeee it. Currently listening to music while doing this of course.

10. This one has a lot to do with 9, but I had to give it its own number.... I love getting ready, not because of the clothes and makeup, but because it's the time when Sophia gets to be her silly self. I blast my favorite songs and dance, dance, dance! I'm not kidding I will dance as I open a drawer, as I pick out a shirt, I will dance while brushing my hair, and get down while I brushing my teeth. You will only get to see this if we are really close, but let me tell you everyone who has seen it has loved the goofy little show.

11. Eleven is my favorite number or all time, I mean it could be because my birthday falls on the 11th and I graduated on 2011, but hey I try not to be biased.

12. I didn't talk at all not one peep till I was three, but the first thing that came out of my little mouth was the rest of the ABC's..... my mom was reading my favorite book at the time Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and as she got to the third page or so I decided it was my turn to shine and I rattled off the rest of the story without hesitation. After that point on I was speaking in full sentences. I was a mini freak show, but I've always been one to internalize and observe then speak when I feel comfortable, so some things never change.

13. I am Mormon :) check out what I believe HERE

14. I haaaaaaaaaate bees, the buzzing sound they make gives me the chills and I literally freak the efff out every time I see one. Kind of embarrassing when I act like that around my children (the kids I nanny) but I can't help it. Not to mention in the few months I've been basically in the middle of three swarms..... they're after me I swear!!

15. I love salty snacks. Salty<Sweet any day

16. Been living on my own for a year and a half now. My parents were never restrictive so living on my own has been much different at all, but I do love it! I miss my mama's home cooked meals though so I try and see here in Huntington as much as I can.

17. I'm from San Diego, but I don't surf. I get that question all the time and I think it's so funny. I used to mess around on a foam board when I was younger, but I haven't since. I have a feeling a will surf a bit this summer though.

18. I want to be a hair stylist and a therapist..... Hairapy we shall call it.

19. I was asked to skip two grade when I was younger.... my mom decided against it because I wasn't the most social little kiddo and I looked like a toddler compared to everyone else my age. For years I resented the choice she made, but now I wouldn't have it any other way. I have made a lot of lifetime friends because of it and I know my life would be so much different if I was moved up and grew up with a different set of friends.

20. I'm a foodie. Literally I'm hungry all the time and I basically love everything. Food is the key to my heart.... strange they normal say that about guys, but I definitely love a good meal!!! hmmm getting hungry just thinking about it.

That was a lot harder then I thought it would be!!! 

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Monday, July 15, 2013

Thirty Things

I found myself on this cute little blog with the greatest idea for blog posts. 

"30 ways to get to know me"

The blog is called Hopes and Dreams and on there you can see her list of creative ways to basically get to know someone better.
Back in the day I used to love filling out little quizzes like this so you can imagine my excitment when I found this... legitimate little kid in a candy store status!
So, I guess I will be sharing my whole life story through thirty goofy little blog posts.
Kinda creepy, but hey I wouldn't have made this blog if I wasn't comfortable sharing my silly little secrets with all of you
I really hope I can make it through the whole list, because I've been lagging hardcore in the daily post goal
 I can imagine it will be beyond entertaining to stick around folks

oh and here is the longgggggg list 
prepare yourself people shiizzz is about to get real.

1. List 20 random facts about yourself.
2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.
3. Describe your relationship with your parents.
4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.
5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?
6. What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?
7. What is your dream job, and why?
8. What are 5 passions you have?
9. List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.
10. Describe your most embarrasing moment.
11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have.
12. Describe a typical day in your current life.
13. Describe 5 weaknesses you have.
14. Describe 5 strengths you have.
15. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
16. What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?
17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?
18. What has been the most difficult thing you have had to forgive?
19. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.
21. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first?
22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
23. List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.
24. Describe your family dynamic of your childhood vs. your family dynamic now.
25. If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?
26. What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?
27. What is your favorite part of your body and why?
28. What is your love language?
29. What do you think people misundertand most about you?
30. List 10 things you would hope to be remembered for.

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