Wednesday, July 17, 2013

You're Afraid of What?

2 of 30

 2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.

1. Bees. I'm telling you these little buggers are after me. They contantly show up in my dreams or shall I say nightmares, They always follow me around. I've only been stung once In my life thank goodness since my mom is super allergic and I'm just guessing I am too. The first time I got stung was when I sat on a bee....... yeah no I definitely didn't get stung on my butt you freaks. I happened to be playing hid and go seek with all of the neighborhood gang and when I hid behind a car I bent down to sit on my shins and BOOM I suddenly felt a nice little sting in my shin. Didn't hurt that bad at all, but I ran inside and made a huge scene of course so that everyone would carter to my needs... I was somewhat of a princess back in the day. Ever since then I literally get a minor panic attack when I see them. The most recent episode was when I was stuck at the longest red light of my life and I heard the race car buzzzz sound that they (as in a million bees) make. Yesss just how I wanted to end my day with a nice freaking swarm of bees I try and roll up my window, but suddenly they don't want to work. Just my luck right? so I sit there I cant breathe and tears are streaming down my face. My windows finally roll up and I start to turn into my neighborhood and park my car. I sat there for a while trying to catch my breath and then get the courage to walk to my apartment, but as I get out two start following me.... well chasing me so I run my little buns off to the door and tried to unlock the door as quick as possible through my involuntary hand tremor. Finally I made it inside alive and unharmed by those man eating bugs.

2. Sea Life. Whenever you go to the beach with me it is literally like pulling teeth to get me in the water and you will typically hear me say, "no I hate the sea life" I'm not sure why I say that because I don't hate it at all I actually love it, well from a far when they can't touch me. I just can't handle the idea of being stung by a jelly or a sting ray. I'm sorry I don't want someone to pee on me in public or ever for that matter and there aren't any lifeguards where I go to the beach so who is going to save my life if a sting ray tries to stab me? yeah no one. I can't say I know the root of this fear, the ocean is just so mysterious to me ya never know whats lurking around especially in my area where the water ins't as clear as most. Lately I've been going in the water a lot more then normal since I haven't heard of anyone getting stung this season, but the second I do is the second I bust out the maui babe for the rest of summer.

Yeah I can't say I'm as brave as Dory

3. Losing My Hubby. Well the idea of losing my husband, because I'm only 20 and not close to marriage yet. This fear comes from someone I know who tragically lost her husband about a year and a half after they got married. You know you found the right person when you can call them your best friend, when you can't imagine your life without them, when you can't wait to have children because they're little versions of the both of you!!! I cannot fathom the feeling of having that taken away too early. How do you mange to go on living without your other half? You envision this whole fantasy life with someone and then suddenly it is all taken away in a blink of an eye. It makes you want to appreciate ever last second with the person you love. 

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