What is beautiful?
Tall, skinny, tan, long hair, and so on.
I feel like everyone has their own connotation of what they believe is truly beautiful.
So, what is beautiful to me......
To me music is beautiful, more specifically the Mormon Tabernacle or an awesome cover of songs.... if it's well done I get chills. Guaranteed.
To me marriage is beautiful, nothing makes me happier then hearing of an engagement or someones sweet grandparents blissfully celebrating their 60th anniversary.
To me children are beautiful, you cannot deny the precious sound of a babies laugh or how sweet it is when an older sibling tried to help a younger sibling. Melts my heart.
To me service is beautiful, especially the look on someones face when you help them so selflessly without expecting anything in return.
To me confidence is beautiful, my mom use to always tell me I needed to "own it" and apply that to everything I do. Confidence is something most of us need to work on and the best way to do that is to help other build theirs! So don't tear people down, that just proves you lack true confidence.
To me nature is beautiful, you cannot deny that God has truly placed us in such a beautiful world. I'm sure you're thinking... um no she's crazy the world is filled with so much negativity and yes you're right there, but when you give yourself a chance to truly be still and take in all that nature has to offer you can really appreciate how beautiful nature really is; the stars, the ocean, the mountains, the animals, the flowers, there is so much to love!
I think it's so important to stray away from what the social norms of what beautiful might be and see what truly means the most to us.
What's honestly the most beautiful to me is seeing how God truly loves everyone of us no matter what color, shape, or size we may be. No matter how damaged out past may be he always loves us as a son or daughter..... now that is truly beautiful.