Monday, April 22, 2013

Boys, Boys, Boys....

I don't know what's in the air lately, but I feel like we're in dating season... am I wrong? or am I right? I'm not really sure what's going on, but I myself and majority of the people I know have been dating quite a bit lately. So through this process I've been keep track or all the wth moments (aka turn-offs) for all you men out there.

Date Attire
I mean us girls aren't depending on you guys to bust out your Justin Timberlake suit and tie, but would it kill you to put on a nice shirt and jeans and not look like you rolled out of bed.
Sure I mean if we really hit it off maybe down the line I can handle you walking around in your favorite old tee, but not on a first date.

Entering the Restaurant
I'm simply addressing the restaurant door.
 It's literally the easiest way to show her some courtesy and still some guys just won't do it. I'm sorry, but I will not think twice about you if you can't hold open a door for 2 seconds while I walk in before you.....

Introduce Her
For that off chance that we actually run into someone you know DO NOT just let her stand around awkwardly while you discuss the score of the last game introduce her to them.

Why So Serious?
Don't bring up super serious things from your past. 
Keep it light and fun on the first date.
I get it we all have a story, but lets keep the past where it should be while we are just trying to get to know each other. 

Distracted Much?
Sweeeeeeet so you ask us out, we say yes..... yet you choose to lock your eyes on the game or on another pretty face across the room.
Dinner is like 1 hour I promise you can do it. 

Picking Her Up
Do Not make her walk out to you, go up to her door and if your lucky you will quickly meet her roommates. I live with my best friend so if I'm really keen on a guy I want her opinion so just stop by for a couple minutes and then we can leave.
Bonus points for opening the car door :)

A Little Loud
Don't blast the music on the first date either, I love music don't get me wrong, but I barely know you so lets talk first and jam later..... hmm that's sounds wrong, but you get what I mean!

Social Media Obsessed
Don't text while on a date. like ever!
Just plain rude
Homeboy you can post an insta or update your facebook status later.
 I promise no one will notice....

Be Nice
Holy Moly! 
Do not, I repeat do not act like an smash-hole to the waiter or waitress. 
You don't look cool, you look dumb. 
So stop.

Ask Them.
Don't say "So tell me about yourself" I feel like that's a therapy sesh question. Be more specific instead of putting us on the spot like that. It's awkward and I never know what to say.
So keep it interesting with something random to keep us on our toes.

No, Just No!
Don't ask us to see a movie on a first date. 
Hello I don't really know you so do you really think I'm going to be comfortable sitting next to you for 2 hours... ya no! Later down the line sure, but not right of the bat guys.
Also hot tubing is also a BIG fat no for a date..... come on buddy we're smarter then that!
Lastly, don't ask to hang out at your place after. It's not going to happen.

Big Tip
Honestly, just keep the first date short.
 If she isn't interested in you then phew dodged that bullet, but if  she is interested it will definitely keep her wanting more.
I promise

Sorry this was so negative, I've definitely hung out with some awesome people lately.....I just figured guys could always use a little help in this department :)

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Sunday, April 14, 2013

How Did I Manage

To Forget

--How Blessed I am.
--How many wonderful people I have in my life.
--How nice it is to hang out with my parents.
--The most amazing drink ever..... pineapple and coconut juice!
--The way James Morrison's voice can always make me feel better.
--How much better I feel when I'm tan...
--How beyond amazing my Bishop is.... He is truly called of God.
--How STUPID some boys are.
--How great my day is when I read my scriptures.
--The smell of sunscreen.
--How funny Pitch Perfect is.... I mean come on how can you not like this movie.
--That even with distance my best friend still knows how to cheer me up!
--How important dancing is to me.... mind you I can't really dance, but nothing makes me happier then turning on a fun song and  around my apartment :)
--How much I miss both my Grandmas..... One is in New Mex and the other is gone :(
--The importance of serving others.
--How great it feels to tumble again..... let's just hope I don't hurt myself haha
--How great this summer is going to be even though I will be working so much!!!

I've been feeling a little lost lately.
Just not really feeling myself, but thankfully with the help of friends, family, and the big man up top I'm starting to feel almost back to normal again :)
Here is the problem:
 I'm sure this is normal for anyone my age, but I'm a little overwhelmed with everything going on and come on guys I'm just out here tryna function haha
I need to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing with the rest of my life... so many choices!
Should I finish school or go straight to hair and beauty school?
Should I explore the Fashion industry?
Flight attendant?
Maybe an elementary school teacher?
Should I take time off to travel?
Should I go on a mission?
Should I move to Orange County?
Should I just stay in SD for the rest of my life? 
welll heck no to the last one, but on the reals
I feel like I'm in such a stand still with my life and there is so many decisions I need to yesterday, but I can't get myself to make one. I feel like I need to just trust that whatever I pick is the right decision, but it's so hard because I don't want to mess up and HELLO can't a girl just do everything?!?! Well, no probably not. It's time I buckle down and really get a grasp on my future.

Hmmm well if you have any advice just let me know, because geeeeez I clearly need it!

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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Musically Gifted and Eloquently Stated

In honor of the recent news of this girl finding out she gets to see Mumford & Sons on June 3rd
here are some of their songs I listen to on repeat.....
Basically all of them so I will try and narrow it down to the best of my abilities!
I love this band so much, there lyrics are so rad and always spot on! 

1. Awake My Soul (well duh! This is what my blog is named after)

2. Ghosts That We Knew

3. Hold On To What You Believe ( All time favorite jam right now)

4. White Blank Page

5. Where Are You Now

6. Dust Bowl Dance

7. Hopeless Wanderer

8. Not With Haste

9. Below My Feet

10. Winter Winds

11. Feel The Tide

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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Silky Smooth

With summer just around the corner, us girls actually have to break out a razor and shave more then once a week (or in some of my friends cases once a month haha). I figured it would be a great time to share a shaving tip with you!
So while on Pinterest I stumbled upon a link that said how to have a long lasting silky smooth shave. I clicked it of course, because in all honesty I'm a sucker for trying a new beauty tips and HELLO I don't think there is anyone out there who truly enjoys shaving their legs and if you do I'm sorry, but that's weird! 
Anyways, Pinterest is seriously the best!! Bu I'm sure you all already know that.... it always has the best ideas on it, so without a doubt I knew this would grant my wish of  being able to go longer without picking up a razor and avoid looking like a cave women.  
 So when I clicked it all it said was exfoliate before you're joking.
You mean all this time all I had to do was freaking exfoliate? That's your big tip for me?
I was a tad disappointed I was think I was going to stumble upon the holy grail of shaving ideas and this is all it gave me.
Well I sucked it up and got in the shower to try it out.....
I didn't like how the site didn't give any specifics so I decided to experiment a little.
I already use Dove exfoliating body wash every day, but that apparently isn't enough so I just so happened to have this product that my best friend gave me from Bath & Body works called.......
So I decided to use a small chunk of that and mix it with the Dove body wash and my legs were already ten times more smooth before I even started shaving. After I shaved and got out I was beyond amazed.
My legs legitimately felt like butter.
After I shower I always put on lotion right after I dry myself off and this time I used both lotion and coconut oil and I'm not even kidding My legs felt like silk. I literally made everyone feel them because I was so excited about it and it did last a few more days then normal! 

Another thing you can use a little sea salt and mix it with a body wash if you don't have...... from Bath & Body Works
You might be a tad red at first, but I promise it's worth it!

This is what I use to exfloliate

Here is the alternative and a lot cheaper!!


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Saturday, April 6, 2013

Nothing Better

Nothing makes me happier then General Conference! 
There is something so incredibly special about it. I think the reason why I personally love it so much is because I was baptized on Conference weekend a year and a half ago. 
It brings back so many wonderful memories of the missionaries and all of the special people who helped me get to where I am today. If you don't know what General Conference is and you want to check it out click here.
 I love everything about it, the speakers are truly called of God. I really tried to go into it as prepared as possible with lots of questions with real intent and it is absolutely amazing how the speakers will say EXACTLY what you need to hear..... I'm not kidding I swear!
 One topic in particular that I thought spoke out to me was is the importance of being a good example and having positive self worth this was directed toward Mother's, but since I'm clearly not in that category yet, I just saw it as being a good example in general. When I first joined The Church of Latter-Day Saints many people; both friends and family were a little stunned at my decision. But because my love for the gospel grew ten fold I changed myself for the better and my loved ones noticed and saw me as a great example to them. Lately, I feel like I've been struggling with that a bit. I haven't done anything crazy, but I keep catching myself making little mistake here and there even though I know better! It's extremely frustrating and I get that I'm human and people make mistake, but knowing how important it is to be a good example really makes me what to try even harder especially because Sister Dalton emphasized how amazing a Mother's example is sooo I should probably get some practice in now before that day comes :)

Please listen to this talk to you can better understand what I'm talking about 
I promise you won't regret it :)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

My faves

So today, as I was going through my typical daily routine
 I thought it would be interesting if I kept track of the stuff I couldn't live without.... I mean if it really came down to it I probably could go without a all couple of these things, but I thought it would be fun to share some of the weird material items that I love dearly with you.

(not in order of importance)

So this is my recent obsession,  it's my roommates 1 1/4 Conair little trooper because its been around for years. I don't think she has used it once in all the time we have lived together so I kinda adopted it..... ooops! I use it as a wand instead of clamping it to avoid dents and get what I call my "Lazy Girl Curls".... I believe others call it beach waves.... bore!

I typically french braid my hair every night, because now that my hair is so light and like 5 different shades it looks a lot prettier with some waves opposed to my normal stick straight boring hair. 
It's funny, just the other night I came home with my hair just natural (because I actually washed it for once and didn't have time to style it haha) and my roommate looked at me and said she couldn't remember the last time I've had it straight ...well yeah that's because I hate it and french braids at night is such an easy fix.

Dry shampoo, dry shampoo and let me say it one more time DRY SHAMPOO. This stuff saves lives I'm not even kidding (well maybe I am a little) anyways, I wash my hair every 2-4 days depending on how often I workout..... (don't worry I still shower daily) but I feel that there is no need to strip my hair of its natural oils and hey dirty hair curls sooooo much better everyone knows that! So stop the incessant daily washes and hop on the dry shampoo bandwagon peeps :)

I try to read a little every day; whether it's just a few scriptures or a few chapters it always makes a difference!

I'm sure you're thinking... okay this girl is a freak, or maybe gets scrapes often. 
Well to ease your mind a little I'm definitely a freak, but I don't get cuts and scrapes to much. I use this product for teeth whitening. I have a whole routine that I'm addicted to, but I will post that another time.  I basically just gargle with this for 30 seconds instead of mouthwash (definitely hard to get used to at first). I've seen such great results and people always tell me my teeth looks super white in pictures (that's not photoshop people.... its good ole' .87 cent hydrogen peroxide, because I'm not about to drop a ton of money on whitening strips, trays, or extreme treatments when this works like a charm!
You're Welcome.

I didn't where sunnies as mush as I should've growing up, because now I'm stuck with permanent yellow spots on the whites on my eyes so my optometrist said to always where them when in the sun from here on out. No one notices unless they are about an inch away from my eye.... which obviously never happens except for me of course, but now I'm paranoid so I have 10 pairs.... and I maybe wear 2.

Bobble water bottles are my ultimate fave. 
If you know me, you know that I don't go anywhere without mine. I have this weird feeling about tap water, so I love that it filters on the go. I bought mine at target for  $8 and you just buy the cute little colored filters ever two months. Saving so much money not buying a million plastic water bottles and saving the environmental as well.... double plus!!!
I honestly drink ten times the amount of water I used to, probably one of my best purchases yet.

I love a little lip color here and there and as of right now Primrose by Revlon with a light coat of Some Like It Taupe by Maybelline (whisper in the middle of the trio) is the perfect combo! 

Sad to say my iphone has to be on this list.... but I have a sick obsession with social media. Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, now blogging. Yikes!!! Oh welll I could always be addicted to drugs instead.... hmmmmm betta not :)

ps. yes this is the case I have. I love how it holds all my necessities! People always say it looks like a little bible haha.

This is my favorite non scented lotion. My skin is pretty sensitive and I like how I can use this on both my face and body. I try and use it right after I towel dry because I heard that's when your body soaks up the most moisture.

Well here is a little background on this because some of you who know me knew that I absolutely despised peanut butter. What I didn't tell you is i stopped liking it because I ate spoonfuls all the time as a kid and I just couldn't take another bit if I tried. It has officially entered my life full force! I used to just have it in ice cream, because it wasn't as strong now I eat it everyday; peanut butter moods, peanut butter and jelly on a waffle, and my absolute favorite peanut butter with a banana..... yum!

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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

You Are Loved

Everyday I go through this app called LDS Wisdom (it's free check it out) it shuffles through tons of awesome quotes from the Prophet, Apostles, and other LDS church leaders. It is so inspiring and hey isn't it nice to have a quick motivational pick me up right at your finger tips? 
 Grant doesn't know it, but he inspired me to get this app because a long time ago (probably 6 months ago) he started collecting these types of quotes to put in his room, but he never followed through with it..... Ever since he left for his mission I've also been collecting quotes that I thought would not only be useful to me, but also to him and his many companions on his mish, in hope of eventually sending a couple his way as a surprise. 
Then today I checked my email while at work (I'm a rebel, I know) and I was surprised by not only one email, but FIVE! What a blessing! 
Quickly I learned that surprising him was not an option, because as  I started reading the first email he writes,
 "I would love for you to send me some quotes like with pictures or something so I can put them around the apt.".... little does he know I've been working on it for a while now haha. So funny!

He managed to constantly pull silly things like this throughout his emails. He sent me scriptures that he felt I needed to read, but I had prayed and stumbled upon those same exact scriptures just the night before!
 There is more, but somethings are just meant for me :)
It's just so crazy how Heavenly Father works. 
He shows his love for us at all times even if our eyes aren't open to it. I'm so blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life who constantly push and inspire me to be better. I'm so grateful for my Faith and all the blessings I continue to receive! 

Brother Smart.... His favorite teacher at the MTC

First companion in New Mexico

Elder Snyder's coat rack in his Apartment 
(First one is his)

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