I don't know what's in the air lately, but I feel like we're in dating season... am I wrong? or am I right? I'm not really sure what's going on, but I myself and majority of the people I know have been dating quite a bit lately. So through this process I've been keep track or all the wth moments (aka turn-offs) for all you men out there.
Date Attire
I mean us girls aren't depending on you guys to bust out your Justin Timberlake suit and tie, but would it kill you to put on a nice shirt and jeans and not look like you rolled out of bed.
Sure I mean if we really hit it off maybe down the line I can handle you walking around in your favorite old tee, but not on a first date.
Entering the Restaurant
I'm simply addressing the restaurant door.
It's literally the easiest way to show her some courtesy and still some guys just won't do it. I'm sorry, but I will not think twice about you if you can't hold open a door for 2 seconds while I walk in before you.....
Introduce Her
For that off chance that we actually run into someone you know DO NOT just let her stand around awkwardly while you discuss the score of the last game introduce her to them.
Why So Serious?
Don't bring up super serious things from your past.
Keep it light and fun on the first date.
I get it we all have a story, but lets keep the past where it should be while we are just trying to get to know each other.
Distracted Much?
Sweeeeeeet so you ask us out, we say yes..... yet you choose to lock your eyes on the game or on another pretty face across the room.
Dinner is like 1 hour I promise you can do it.
Picking Her Up
Do Not make her walk out to you, go up to her door and if your lucky you will quickly meet her roommates. I live with my best friend so if I'm really keen on a guy I want her opinion so just stop by for a couple minutes and then we can leave.
Bonus points for opening the car door :)
A Little Loud
Bonus points for opening the car door :)
A Little Loud
Don't blast the music on the first date either, I love music don't get me wrong, but I barely know you so lets talk first and jam later..... hmm that's sounds wrong, but you get what I mean!
Social Media Obsessed
Don't text while on a date. like ever!
Just plain rude
Homeboy you can post an insta or update your facebook status later.
I promise no one will notice....
Be Nice
Holy Moly!
Do not, I repeat do not act like an smash-hole to the waiter or waitress.
You don't look cool, you look dumb.
So stop.
Ask Them.
Don't say "So tell me about yourself" I feel like that's a therapy sesh question. Be more specific instead of putting us on the spot like that. It's awkward and I never know what to say.
So keep it interesting with something random to keep us on our toes.
No, Just No!
Don't ask us to see a movie on a first date.
Hello I don't really know you so do you really think I'm going to be comfortable sitting next to you for 2 hours... ya no! Later down the line sure, but not right of the bat guys.
Also hot tubing is also a BIG fat no for a date..... come on buddy we're smarter then that!
Lastly, don't ask to hang out at your place after. It's not going to happen.
Big Tip
Big Tip
Honestly, just keep the first date short.
If she isn't interested in you then phew dodged that bullet, but if she is interested it will definitely keep her wanting more.
I promise
If she isn't interested in you then phew dodged that bullet, but if she is interested it will definitely keep her wanting more.
I promise
Sorry this was so negative, I've definitely hung out with some awesome people lately.....I just figured guys could always use a little help in this department :)
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