Friday, March 15, 2013

Salty Air and Sandy Hair

I recently got back from a little trip to paradise with my best friend, her older sis, and her best friend as a well. Such a fun group in such an amazing place. We stayed in Waikiki at the Sheraton which was absolutely fantastic. I can't even begin to describe all of the random crazy fun we had. Pictures just won't do justice for this trip, and considering I only have the few pictures from my trusty Iphone we will have to make due with those till I get my hands on the thousands of pics we took!

Discounted room with the most fantastic view (compliments of Climbing Cory)

Free breakfast and dinner at the V.I.P. Lounge (compliments of Climbing Cory)

Multiple near death experiences on an expert hike with us beginner girls also (compliments of Climbing Cory!)

Jumped off the same peak in the Forgetting Sarah Marshall movie

Lots of Turtles

Burns in uncomfortable places

Filmed our own version of “Survivor by: Destiny's Child”.... will be posted as soon as it's finished

Dancing, dancing, and more dancing.

Scripture reading while watching the sunrise

Ridiculous amount of rain

Meeting so many foreigners

Shopping... we all have an addiction. Help!

Catamaran ride.... including strange men taking pictures of our bums
Zanzabar.... need I say more

Visiting Joe at the North Shore

Fireworks at the Hilton

and so much more!

PS. Here is a few pics for you and I promise more to come

Well this is something you don't see everyday.

Not only did it look like someone died in here it all so smelled like death tool! SO gross. Also if you look close there is an arrow pointing at the back of my head basically stating I'm next...... gotta love it!

"Oh so you girls are twins right?" " That must be your sister"- Just a few things we heard on the daily.

Jessica's rocker penguin named "Tubby"

Sometimes I mistake myself for a gangster

Scriptures at sunrise.... way to perfect!

Most amazing pina colada ever! Mocktails are the best :)

Christine's Birthday celebration at Duke's

I'm not going to lie, I was seriously considering not getting on the plane back.I want to live there so bad.... BYU-H here I come :)


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